Descended from a cross between the bulldog and the white English terrier dating back to the 19 th century, the modern Bull Terrier, despite it’s origins in combat, is perceived as one of the most affectionate and loving of breeds. Highly distinctive, the Bull Terrier is not easily mistaken. Possessing a muscular and compact build, an ovular head and deep-set, almond-shaped eyes, small ears, and sturdy legs, it is renowned for devotion to its family, and for obedience and reliability.
10 to 15 years.
Friendly, Loyal, Tenacious, Devoted, Attentive, Courageous.
Head and Skull
The head of this breed is characteristically long, strong and deep to the end of the muzzle, appearing ovoid when viewed from the front. The surface will show no indentations or hollows. Whilst the top of the skull is virtually flat from ear to ear, the profile will curve gently down from the top of the skull to the nose tip which is black and bends downwards at the tip.
The breed has distinctive narrow and triangle shaped eyes, placed obliquely. Either very dark brown in colour or black. Greater distance from nose tip to eyes than from eyes to top of skull.
The ears are close together, small and thin. They should be held stiff and erect and pointed upwards.
The neck is extremely muscular and long and arched. It will taper from shoulders to head and br free of any loose skin.
Without loading, the shoulders of this breed are strong and muscular, with wide shoulder blades which are flat and held close to the chest wall with a pronounced backward slope of front edge from bottom to top which almost forms a right angle with the upper arm. Pasterns are upright and elbows straight and powerful. Forelegs should be perfectly parallel. Length of foreleg in adults should be approximately equal with the depth of the chest.
When viewed from the rear, the hindlegs will be parallel, with well muscled thighs and well developed second thighs. The stifle joint is well bent and the hock showing good angulation with bone to foot being both short and strong.
The breed has a well-rounded body with good depth from withers to brisket whereby the brisket is nearer ground than the belly. The back will be short and strong with a backline behind the withers level that arches or roaches over broad strong loins. Underline from brisket to belly will form a graceful upward curve. When viewed from the front, the chest appears broad.
Well arched, round and compact toes.
Tail is short, set on low and will be carried horizontally. Thick at the root and tapering to a fine point.
When the dog is moving, it will come across as well knit, and capable of covering ground easily with smooth and free movement. When trotting, the movement should be parallel, front and back, with forelegs showing good reach and hindlegs having a smooth movement at the hip and flexing well to provide good propulsion.
The coat is flat, even and short whilst being harsh to the touch and showing a fine gloss. Tight fitting skin, and in winter there may be a soft, textured undercoat.
White or coloured, for white, pure coat preferrable, with some markings or pigmentation on the head. For coloured, brindle preferred. Black, red, fawn or tricolour acceptable.
No limits for height or weight, desirable is the impression of maximum substance in relation to the size and sex of the dog.
· Undershot or Overshot mouth
Exhibiting aggression towards humans
Failing to stand for Examination
Males must have two normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum