Would like someone who is capable of telling me if my dog is bully and if I can get papers .I've had dna text done and was wondering if there was person or official that can decide if he is . If he is would like to register him and get papers . He is a beautiful dog soft goofy playful and very much a big softy he is under the thumb of my little dog ( my French bulldog x chihuahua) and is very much attached to my toddler who he protects from everything including butterfly's . If he is not I don't care but would like to know for peace of mind ( see dna test results and pics ) any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance

Hi Dan,
You can register your dog using our competitors club registration form on the website. This is for people who havnt got any previous documentation for thier dog.
With the information you have provided you dog would be classed as a mixed breed.
Here is the link to register