On the 30th September the UKBKC held its first Weight-Pull Nationals. A Total of 36 dogs had pulled since the inception of the UKBKC Weight pulling championships. But only 4 dogs Qualified for the Nationals. Dog must pull at least 3 times in the season to qualify for the Nationals.
Over a fantastic season we have seen some of the leaders of the sport pull in excess of 900kg.
(We would like to notify reader that we have strict rules and regulations in place and all dog pull at their own free will and no baiting is allowed what so ever.)
The UKBKC would like to thank all participants who have competed throughout the season and we hope to see more entries in 2024.
We are looking forward to the last pull of the year at the Emerald Isle Edition in November.
The UK Bully Kennel Club Nationals
2022/2023 season
30th September 2023
Venue : Preston
Judges Gulcan Dal , Mikki Wills, Apprentice Kim Gallagher.
Rails (rubber casters)
Pulling Very Hard, 8inch incline up hill.
Results are as follows.
35kgs Class
🧿1st Zion Owner Kim 31.25kgs 262kgs 8.38%
🧿22/2023 35kgs Class Champion
🧿35kgs Points Champion (142)
40kg Class
🧿1st Lucca Owner Kim 36.15kgs 328kgs 9.07%
🧿22/2023 40kgs Class Champion
🧿40kgs Points Champion (149 )
🧿Nationals Best Body % on the day. 9.07%
45kgs Class
🧿1st Turkish Owner Gucci 43.50kgs 306kgs 7.10%
🧿22/2023 45kgs Class Champion
🧿45kgs Points Champion (296)
50kgs Class
🧿1st Alex Owner Rebecca 48.05kgs 350kgs 7.28%
🧿Nationals Moat Weight Pulled 350kgs winner.
🧿22/2023 50kgs Class Champion
🧿 50kgs Points Champion (164)
🧿OVER ALL Results
🧿Points Champion Turkish 296
🧿Most Weight Pulled Champion Turkish 990kgs
🧿Best body % Champion Zion 24.44%
Congratulations everyone